Excerpts from Greens candidate in the Clarence electorate, Janet Cavanaugh, 13 February 2015 media release:

*Janet Cavanaugh has lived in the Clarence for 25 years and her connections to the Clarence go back five generations. Living in Whiporie in the Richmond Valley and working in Grafton means she has a wide appreciation of both local government areas in the electorate.
Janet holds degrees in engineering, natural resources and environmental management. Working in the NSW public sector for 23 years has given her extensive experience in the operation of Government. She currently works as a planner, specialising in park management.
Janet joined The Greens in 1995 as a founding member of the Clarence Greens. She was the Greens candidate in 2011 in the state election and also the by-election that was held in that year.
* Ms Cavanaugh has announced that her campaign will focus on the need for clean politics and also clean energy.
“It is time to clean up this state,” she said. “This election is an opportunity for the community to cast a vote of ‘no confidence’ against the corruption of the major parties.
“The Greens have a history of maintaining ethical stands across a range of issues,” Ms Cavanaugh stated. “By acting with integrity, the Greens offer a better way of doing politics — a way that is resulting in better outcomes for our community.
“The Greens have consistently opposed plans to privatise and undermine public services,” she said. “If elected, I'll work hard to defend our schools, TAFEs, hospitals, gaols, and our water and electrical networks from privatisation.
“Cleaning up our energy supply is linked to cleaning up our politics,” she said. “The major parties receive large donations from mining and gas companies — the same companies that are seeking licences or leases from the NSW Government to exploit the state’s resources.
“The Greens are advocating a statewide ban on unconventional gas as the risks are too great,” she said. “Our area’s economy relies on its natural resources for agriculture, fishing and tourism. It’s vital we keep them healthy into the future.
“Instead of risking our future with unconventional gas, we should be expanding our clean energy infrastructure and the jobs that come with it.
“I am standing as the candidate for Clarence because I believe we can change the future by protecting and building our region in a way our grandchildren will thank us for,” she said.
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