Some of the images on mainstream & social media with reporting on the day as the Northern Rivers marched to show its resolve........
NBN News 1 November 2014:
In an unprecedented show of solidarity, around 10,000 people took to the streets of Lismore today – to declare the region gasfield free.
It’s the biggest social movement of its kind in the region, which is calling on the government to ban unconventional gas mining.
ABC News 1 November 2014:
More than 5,000 protesters turned out on the NSW north coast to show their anger at plans to try to restart a coal seam gas (CSG) project in the area.
The anti-CSG rally took place in Lismore's CBD and was staged in response to a court case in progress which is dealing with the suspension of a CSG licence in the area.
The NSW Government suspended the licence six months ago and the issue is now before the courts waiting on a decision about the validity of the suspension.
Residents in northern NSW have continued to show their strong opposition to CSG has not changed, with march organisers saying the big turnout was a message to gas companies and the government.
Rock Valley farmer Bevan Jolley said he has become disillusioned with the National Party, which he once identified with.
"I've voted National Party ever since I got to vote and I am 70 years of age now but I am very disgruntled with the way local pollies are treating us," Mr Bevan said.
"They get our vote and then when something big like this [CSG] comes up they seem to not want anything to do with it. When they go back to Parliament they don't bring it up."
Mr Jolley said it is not in his nature to protest but he feels he has to because he is concerned about the effect of CSG on ground water on and near his property where he runs beef cattle and grows macadamias.
"Everyone doesn't want to have to protest to try to stop something ... we vote in politicians to do the job for us but these fellas aren't doing it," he said.
"If you bugger up that underground water, that's it, you can't fix it."….

What a great day! The march in Lismore today was a happy, huge success and NRG was well represented. Thanks to all who took part in the LTG Alliance regional march and rally to declare the Northern Rivers Gasfield Free.
We are tired of waiting for the politicians to truly represent the more than 90% of NR residents who have declared their roads and villages to be Gasfield Free . So we declared it ourselves. Well done everyone ! The people have spoken.
Estimates of crowd numbers vary from 5,000 to 10,000. I tend to support the higher figure as there was obviously more people marching than when we did it 2 years ago and that was said to have been 7,000. We also had the rare experience of the head of the march meeting the tail as we circled back on the route around the CBD: this didn’t occur in 2012 over the same route…..
We are tired of waiting for the politicians to truly represent the more than 90% of NR residents who have declared their roads and villages to be Gasfield Free . So we declared it ourselves. Well done everyone ! The people have spoken.
Estimates of crowd numbers vary from 5,000 to 10,000. I tend to support the higher figure as there was obviously more people marching than when we did it 2 years ago and that was said to have been 7,000. We also had the rare experience of the head of the march meeting the tail as we circled back on the route around the CBD: this didn’t occur in 2012 over the same route…..
Significantly, shopkeepers and onlookers gave visible support to the cause, especially when we chanted ”Thomas George has got to go”. Seems the Lismore electorate is looking shaky for the Coalition…..
Organisers of today’s Gasfield Free event in the Northern Rivers have described the day as a huge success. An estimated 8,000 people from across the Northern Rivers region turned up in Lismore today for the declaration, march and rally.
“The determination and commitment of the community of the Northern Rivers to remain Gasfield Free is undeniable,” said Gasfield Free coordinator and rally organiser Elly Bird.
“This community is saying loud and clear that they want full cancellation of the licenses across the region, and nothing less will serve.”
“Today’s event makes it very clear that opposition to invasive gasfields in the region is not going away.”
“The NSW government needs to take decisive action and join Labor and the Greens in making a commitment to permanently protect our region,” she said.
Video footage of today’s event is available at this link:
* Courtesy of Lock the Gate Northern Rivers Regional Alliance and Yuraygir Coast and Range Alliance
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