Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott ended 2013 with the polls firmly running against him and faced with an increasingly sceptical mainstream media.
So despite his very public resolve not to feed the media and remain aloof, Abbott is once more reverting to type.
The Sporting PM on 3 January 2014 hamming it up for a national radio audience:
Action Man obliging the televised medium on 2 January 2014 at busy Queenscliff beach near Manly:
Then there was Abbott on his own social media Twitter account:
Happy New Year! If ever we should enter a New Year full of optimism, it is 2014. #HappyNewYear
From my family to yours, I wish you a happy, a peaceful and a safe Christmas. #merrychristmas
Incredible day for adoption. Deb with PM Tony Abbott. Change is coming. #thedebs #change #AU…

Thanks to everyone who brought almost 500 presents for the @wishing_tree in my office. All gifts going to @salvos.
It was good to see fellow members from @DavidsonNSWRFS raising funds in Balgowlah this morning. @NSWRFS
Great to be in my electorate @woolworths Balgowlah to help launch the Dick Smith Food Foundation
Great to catch up with @DarrynLyons & @SHendersonMP at the opening of RACV Torquay Resort
What a great morning so good to have Prime Minister @TonyAbbottMHR in town @Geelong_Mayor
Retweeted by Tony Abbott
A quick pit stop at the excellent Laneway 73 in Anglesea. Good brew!
There also appears to be have been one Coalition measure put in place on Twitter by 28 December 2013 to ensure voters didn't forget Abbott while he was on holidays:
Topsy reveals that this December 2013 flurry was at least the second time around that year for this particular form of Abbott spam.
These are a selection of those tweets sent during the federal election campaign:
These are a selection of those tweets sent during the federal election campaign:
Paid Parental Leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.#PaidParentalLeaveIsAWinnerForTonyAbbott. cc @PaidParentalLeaveIsAWinnerForTonyAbbott
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Paid Parental Leave is a winner for Tony Abbott
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott. Very generous every one gets it. Small levy on business What's not to like #MTP
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott. [I'm not a robot]
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott #ausvotes #TweetLikeASpamBot
Paid Parental Leave is a winner for Tony Abbott... and women earning more than twice the national average #AusPol
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
@Bearhusky Let's be crystal clear about this - paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott #auspol #ausvotes
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott.
Why is a real estate company in the USA saying that? RT @realestateca Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott. #ausvotes
RT @scottsues: Paid parental leave is a winner for Tony Abbott. HELP! THEY'VE GOT ME! DON'T BELIEVE ANYTH *single gun shot, line goes dead*
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